AYLUS Pearland is Awarded Fund for the 3 rd Consecutive Year by Project Rise and Shine – Jul 7th , 2022

Project Rise and Shine (PRS) informed AYLUS Pearland that its fund application for fiscal year June 2022-May 2023 has been approved so AYLUS will continue to be the partner of this project for the 3rd consecutive years. The funding enabled AYLUS Pearland to take on more community service projects and explore new initiatives. In the last few years, AYLUS Pearland has seen double the membership, more partners, and a greater variety of projects. AYLUS Pearland President Kate Liu and Chief Philanthropy officer Aila Jiang worked together to prepare the fund application. They first listed a series of events and projects for 2022-23 and then allocated the budget to each category of events such as Local City and ISD events, supporting underprivileged communities and outreach and team building events. The full amount applied has been approved by the Project Rise and Shine.

As a partner of PRS, AYLUS Pearland officers have the obligation to submit expense reports, activity reports, and must collaborate with other partners. We are looking forward to another successful year.

Volunteers (3 hours): Kate Liu, Aila Jiang

Reported by Aila Jiang

Updated: September 6, 2022 — 5:08 pm

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