East Cobb Branch Summer 2022 Study CAMP

Our branch organized three study camps in the summer 2022.

SAT Grammar CAMP were held by Bryan Cao at club house. The CAMP covered “The Ultimate Guide to SAT Grammar” book twice a week.

Each class was split into covering the textbook and then applying the topics learned to SAT practice tests.

Science CAMP were held by Selina Huang at club house. The CAMP covered middle school science topics once a week.

Spanish CAMP were held by Selina Huang also at the same club house. This camp covered Spanish beginning level once a week.

Tutoring was fun for the tutors, and it made the tutors glad they could teach other students their strategies and tips that allowed them to achieve a better result.

Reported by Bryan Cao


Selina Huang 13.5 hours, Bryan Cao 18 hours


Science CAMP:

Selina Huang 6/23/22 (1.5 hrs), 6/30/22 (1.5 hrs),7/7/22 (1.5 hrs), 7/21/22 (1.5 hrs),7/28/22 (1.5 hrs)

Spanish CAMP:

Selina Huang 6/21/22 (1.5 hrs), 6/28/22 (1.5 hrs),7/19/22 (1.5 hrs), 7/26/22 (1.5 hrs)

SAT Grammar CAMP:

Bryan Cao 6/19/22 (2 hrs), 6/22/22 (2 hrs), 6/26/22 (2 hrs), 6/29/22 (2 hrs), 7/3/22 (2 hrs), 7/6/22 (2 hrs), 7/10/22 (2 hrs), 7/13/22 (2 hrs), 7/17/22 (2 hrs)



Updated: May 1, 2023 — 10:23 am

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