East Cobb Branch Holds Senior English Tutoring In August, 2021

Emily Sun from the East Cobb Branch participated in the English Tutoring Program and tutored for 2 hours in August, 2021.

This program’s goal is to provide English guidance to the elderly who do not know much English. Volunteers are needed for 1 on 1 tutoring sessions. By helping these elderly improve their English, the goal is to make communication smoother and life easier for them.

I taught the classes over Zoom, and conversed with the elder in English so we could exercise her pronunciation and vocabulary with everyday terms. Sometimes, we would share riddles to make the sessions more fun. I also went over phrases or vocabulary the elder had trouble understanding.

The lessons have been going smoothly, and I have gotten positive feedback from the elder. It feels rewarding to help an elderly learn this language, especially by simply talking to each other like friends. I have also been able to improve my critical thinking skills, sharpened by the riddles and jokes we would sometimes tell each other.

Reported by Emily Sun

Emily Sun: 8/14 1 hour, 8/21 1 hour

Isabel Liu: 8/6 1 hour, 8/13 1 hour, 8/20 1 hour, 8/27 1 hour

Participants: Emily Sun (2 hours), Matthew Zhu (2 hours), Isabel Liu (4 hours)




Updated: May 9, 2022 — 7:58 pm

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