July 2021 East Cobb Albert Zhang Youth Tutoring Report

In the month of July 2021, the East Cobb Branch of AYLUS held online youth tutoring activities during the Coronavirus pandemic. All tutoring activities were one-on-one, using Skype, Zoom, Facetime, and other similar methods to communicate.

We have changed our original tutoring program as libraries have closed due to the pandemic, and meeting students in person is no longer viable. As students need arguably more help during this period of school closures, we are giving kids in our area an opportunity to receive help. The interaction between tutors and students also makes learning more enjoyable.

Albert Zhang tutored a rising 1st grader on basic mathematics skills, including addition, subtraction, and place value. During the one-hour sessions, Albert would give the student warm-up problems, simple explanations of a skill, and practice problems found in a textbook. As class progressed, the difficulty slowly increased to challenge and allow the student to apply the concepts. When the student struggled to understand, Albert took a different and slower approach and found a few informative videos and songs to help clear some confusion. Student engagement was also an important aspect during lessons, and this was achieved through online math games and puzzles. Overall, the student improved greatly on basic operations and place values.

Attendance: Albert Zhang 07/7/21 (2 hours)

Reported by Albert Zhang

East Cobb 07/21 Youth Tutoring

Updated: May 11, 2022 — 3:06 am

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