East Cobb Branch Holds Summer Camps Session VIII (7/26-8/1)

From 7/26-8/1/2021, Cody from the East Cobb Branch participated in the Summer Camp Program and taught for 1 hour.

This program was initially started in summer of 2020 due to the cancellation of summer camps caused by COVID-19. AYLUS has decided to bring it back again this year. Its goal is to provide entertainment and teach different skills to children who may be bored at home or want to learn something new. The volunteer or volunteers may teach 1-on-1 or in groups no more than 5. By teaching these kids, we want to help them have fun and relieve some burden from their parents.

Activities that are offered include tennis, basketball, soccer, cooking, drawing, piano, violin, dancing, and more.

Cody Wang contributed by teaching 2 kids chess.

I taught with a chessboard and a computer. We went through some puzzles, basics of the game, and how to think.  The two kids, Julian and Juno, are going into 1st and 5th grade respectively. The older one had slightly more knowledge about chess than the younger one, so he had an easier time understanding, but both of them had similar drive to improve. Although it was a learning experience, we had a good time figuring out puzzles. There were no issues in our sessions, and I’m confident that both of them improved a good amount.

Reported by Cody Wang


Albert Zhang: (9 hours) 7/26 2 hours, 7/29  2 hous, 7/30 3  hours, 8/1 2 hours

Stephen Zhu (1 hour) 7/27

Jack Xu (2 hours) 7/28

Eileen Zhang (1 hour) 7/26

Erin Ding (1 hour) 7/29

Cody Wang (1 hour) 7/28

Daniel Huang (1 hour) 7/30

Jalon Wang (1.5 hours) 7/31



Updated: May 10, 2022 — 3:59 pm

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