East Cobb Branch Members Create volunteer app for AYLUS East Cobb Branch

July 10th to July 16 Creating Volunteer App for East Cobb Branch AYLUS

This week we added the ability to edit and delete the events table from the admin view syncing to the Amazon AWS servers. Also, we changed the data model for the Events table. Finally, we had a team meeting setting up the other coders workspaces and preparing to divide the work out.

The purpose of the app is to reduce the time spent on administrative activities including but not limited

to logging volunteer hours, taking attendance for volunteer events, and signing up volunteers for events.

The app will allow more time to be spent participating in volunteering events and help reduce the time

spent organizing those events.

Participants: David Kan (14 hrs)

Reported by: David Kan

Updated: August 5, 2021 — 2:38 pm

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