East Cobb Branch Holds Clothing Driving in July, 2021

On July 9th, 10th,11th and 15th, three AYLUS members hold Clothing Driving. Susanna and Selina cleaned out their younger sibling’s playroom to sort through all the toys, cleaning up the playroom and determining which toys should be donated. Susanna spent five hours on the first day emptying everything out and starting the sorting process into bins and containers. On the second day, she spent five hours continuing the sorting process, categorizing the toys, throwing away trash, fixing board games, etc. On the third day, Susanna and Selina each spent four hours finishing up the room, cleaning up the last of the mess by putting everything where they belong, by putting the boxes in the closet, by putting the larger toys on display in the room, by sweeping the floors, etc.

After all the cleaning work was done, Susanna put the boxes that had the toys for donation onto the car and drove to Goodwill. There, she unloaded the boxes and donated the toys.

For Susanna and Selina, this experience, cleaning the playroom, categorizing toys, and donating the toys, was very eye-opening and enriching.

Samuel Lu: 07/15 2.5 hours

Hours: Susanna Huang (4 hours); Selina Huang (4 hours), Samuel Lu (2.5 hours)

Reported by Susanna Huang










Updated: May 8, 2022 — 10:24 pm

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