San Diego Branch hosted the 1st Competition Tutoring Activity on December 20, 2020

On December 20th, 2020, San Diego students of AYLUS organized the 1st online Competition Tutoring for students activity. In this activity, AYLUS volunteers helped younger students practice for upcoming competitions in various subjects.

In almost all of these academic competitions, the level of expertise required to perform well is much higher than that of standard classes in school. Because of this, many students interested in competing struggle to find tutors who can help hone the necessary skills.  The lessons will be flexible times based on the schedules of volunteers and students, and be conducted on zoom. Through this event, we hope to help out interested students as well as increase interest in more specialized academic competitions.

Through this activity, AYLUS volunteers were able to teach 18 students several competition-related topics, each one tailored to best prepare the students for specific academic competitions. Each class is has one volunteer teaching many students, with volunteers specifically matched with students. Overall, there were 21 participants in this event.

The following volunteers participated in the 1st Competition tutoring activity: 

Ritvik Irigireddy taught AMC 8 Math his students Daniel Wang, Eric Cheng, Angela Xue, Junpeng Zhao, Simon Liu, James Qian, Jas Chan, Annie, and Annabelle Liao on Sunday, 12/20, for one and a half hours.

Qiyao (Alvin) Zheng taught USACO – Bronze to his students Alexander Backues, Albert Gao, Andrew chen, Joseph Quan, Albert Mao, and Matthew Ni for an hour and a half on Sunday, 12/20.

Harry Li taught AMC 8 math to his students Joshua Lin, Tristan shi, and Simon Liu on Sunday, 12/20, for one and a half hours.

The AYLUS San Diego Committee organized the 1st Competition Tutoring activity on December 20th, 2020.

Updated: April 28, 2021 — 6:41 am

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