Warren Branch Finishes Somerset County Library System Teen Summer Volunteer Program in Summer of 2020

Throughout the summer of 2020 (June 19th-August 15th), the Warren AYLUS Branch has been supporting its local Somerset County Library System’s Teen Summer Volunteer Program. The branch consistently filled out book reviews each week that were added to the library’s database. First, members read books that interested them. Then, they wrote paragraphs for each book detailing the plot, what he or she liked, and what type of person he or she would recommend the book to. The reviews were posted using the program’s Beanstack application, and put online for other people to use when deciding on books to read. This continued throughout the whole summer, each week. Overall, it was a great experience to help others find the right book for them, and the branch will likely continue in the fall if possible.

Hours (certificates will be available soon): Wesley Liu (25 hours), Alex Hu (10 hours), Selina Zhan (91 hours), Kanav Desai (25 hours), Jeffrey Wen (55 hours), Trisha Atianzar (10 hours)

Updated: April 26, 2021 — 12:01 am

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