AYLUS Pearland 2020 Summer GT-Math Club Preparation Program

Across the summer, volunteers from AYLUS Pearland created a free preparation program for the local Gifted and Talented Program and Math Club. A total of 21 students have enrolled for GT-MATH club, ranging from incoming grades 4 to 6.

The GT-MATH club consisted of one large group lecture per week to review and learn topics that may be present on the highly gifted math tests, and one small group discussion (around 7 students per tutor) to work through and solve free-response questions that could be indicative of more difficult questions on examinations. The 3 tutors took turns to prepare teaching materials for each week’s lecture and small group discussion. All 3 tutors participated in large group lectures with one leading every week, and each tutor conducted their small group lectures at different times of the week. Some duties were recruiting the students and coordinating to set up the tutoring schedule, subjects, and meetings. The 10-week GT math club covered topics and skills listed on the 4-6th grade TEKS, including topics such as solving simple equations, geometry and angles, statistics, and others. The tutors referenced multiple resources, such as GO Math! books and Singapore Math books in order to construct the curriculum and questions. All 21 students have actively participated the whole series, and learned/improved their math skills in “a well-organized yet relaxed environment”, as stated by parents. More than half of the students in 5th grade are qualified to enroll in the Sablatura highly gifted math program. 

The volunteers who participated were: Bryan Li, Aaron Wu, and Alan Chen

Updated: August 13, 2020 — 4:05 pm

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