Warren Branch Hosts Third Week of Math and Science Lessons on August 9th, 2020

On weekends of the past three weeks, from July 25th to August 9th, members of the Warren Branch hosted math and science lessons. Members taught small groups of one or two students each (some taught multiple groups), creating a Google Classroom for each group and slideshows for each lesson. The meetings were hosted on Google Meets for one hour each lesson. Students ranged from 1st to 6th grade, and were split into groups based on their grade, with different curriculum for each. Some topics taught were fractions, decimals, cells, and more. The Warren Branch will continue with its lessons.

Participants: Wesley Liu (3.5 hours), Stanley Liu (3 hours), Nikolai Przybylski (3 hours), Kanav Desai (3 hours), Ryan Wen (3 hours), Selina Zhan (3 hours), Jeffrey Wen (6 hours), Alex Hu (3 hours), Trisha Atianzar (2 hours)

Updated: August 12, 2020 — 12:28 am

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