AYLUS Pearland Summer Tutoring Program: Reading Completion

From Jun 2nd to August 8th, AYLUS volunteers provided 10 free online Reading Practice lessons using Zoom to local community students. Each lesson was 1.5 hours and one lesson was held per week. Twelve volunteers attended the tutoring program service with duties such as: student registration, organizing classes, scheduling classes, and communicating with parents. A total of 48 students of grades 1-6 attended the learning lessons. The students were grouped into 5 classes; each class was tutored by 2 volunteers.

Thanks to the Friendwood SpiderSmart LearningCenter, who sponsored Times for Kids magazines and Ted Talk videos as learning materials for the lessons. The fun articles and videos were welcomed by the young students.

In addition to the 1.5 hours teaching per week, volunteers were required to read the article and watch videos to ensure the materials were helpful for students. Tutors also had to select 2-4 articles for each class, as well as 1-2 articles for 2-3 lessons. Tutors helped post the links of selected articles to students and parents for them to preview, spending an hour in pre-lesson preparations.

Volunteers include Andy Jiang, Jason Yang, Tianrui Cheng, Franklem Peng, Michael Meng, Sophia Lin, Thomas Liang, Catherine Bai, Matthew Li, Thomas Feng, Karen Xu, Andy Gu.

Reported by Andy Gu

Updated: August 11, 2020 — 10:10 pm

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