The AYLUS Houston Branch Expands the 16th STEAM Challenge Camp!

On August 12th, 2018, AYLUS member Ethan Jiang expanded his weekly STEAM Challenge Camp from last year to include elements of reading comprehension and writing, with lessons geared towards preparing students for the Duke TIP program. TIP, short for Talent Identification Program, is a project from Duke University which gives gifted students a chance to take the SAT in 7th grade and gain access to a host of educational resources, such as field study and summer course opportunities! Ethan’s redesigned camp trains students for the rigor of the SAT, while also equipping them with critical thinking and problem solving skills through math, reading, and writing. Further, the course also incorporates competitive math concepts that extend beyond traditional classroom material. He hopes his multidisciplinary instruction will help his students thrive in both academic and professional life while instilling a love of learning! Additional information about TIP is available at

Event Coordinator: Ethan Jiang

Enjoy the photos!


Updated: October 5, 2018 — 8:30 pm

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