Raymond Li and Eric Li Provided Music Therapy to Brain Injury Patient on May 20, 2018

Eric Li and Raymond Li provided music therapy to Annie Domville, a brain injury patient on May 20, 2018.

Eric and Raymond trained Annie’s right hand through playing very basic pieces. They tried to use pieces that did not require her to move the position of her hand. They trained all of her fingers on the right hand except for the thumb, since she cannot move that finger. They first played a piece and let her choose if she wanted to play it or not. If she chose yes, one person would play the left hand while the other person played the right hand and directed Annie’s right hand to play notes. Eric and Raymond directed Annie’s right hand by saying the number which corresponds to which finger she should use, and also occasionally moved her hand or fingers by holding them. They only focused on the notes, not rhythms or style. Eric and Raymond trained Annie’s ability to move her fingers precisely and move her arm and wrist. The purpose of this activity is to improve Annie’s ability to move her fingers and listen to sounds. Annie is very happy with the music that we played. Her favorite piece was Ode to Joy.

A groups of ten students are now taking turns providing music therapies to Annie on a weekly basis. Stephen Yang is responsible for the planning and scheduling for this group.

Updated: May 28, 2018 — 4:48 am

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