On July 3, 2021, members of the AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita participate in food delivery organized by Saddleback Church at the El Toro High School. They separated, sourced, and delivered various groceries. Upon receiving various types of foods, the members organized them by fruits, meat, etc. Then, members approached incoming cars and asked them for […]
Category: RSM
Rancho Santa Margarita Member Stella Chen Participated in Food Distribution in June 2021
Rancho Santa Margarita’s Stella Chen participated in food distribution on 6/5/21 for 6 hours at El Toro High School as the frozen food team, on 6/19/21 for 6 hours at Savanna High School as both the start box and bread and frozen food team, and on 6/26/21 for 7 hours on Santa Ana Calvary Chapel […]
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Participates in Grocery Distribution in June 2021
On June 16, 2021, members of the AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita participate in food delivery organized by Saddleback Church at the San Clemente Outlet. They separated, sourced, and delivered various groceries. Upon receiving various types of foods, the members organized them by fruits, meat, etc. Then, members approached incoming cars and asked them for their […]
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Allison Li Volunteered at Discovery Cube OC on June 12, 2021
On June 12, 2021, AYLUS RSM branch’s Allison Li volunteered at Discovery Cube from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm. Service assignment: Team A Allison: 4 hours
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Allison Li Volunteered at Tesoro High School’s National Honor Society Senior Sendoff on May 28, 2021
On May 28, 2021, AYLUS RSM branch’s Allison Li volunteered at her local high school to support their National Honor Society sendoff. She was involved in helping to set up the tables to present the seniors’ gifts, chalk decorations lining the sidewalk, as well as maintenance and clean-up after the event. Allison: 4 hours
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Participates in Battery Drive in June 2021
On June 4, 2021, members of the AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita donated used batteries to Home Depot as a part of the recycling effort to protect the environment. Members brought their used batteries in bags/boxes to the event and dropped them off with Allison Li and Ethan Li. Then, Allison and Ethan drove the batteries […]
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Participates in PantryGo in June 2021
On June 4, 2021, members of the AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita met with Pantry Go, George Zhou and Marlena Meltzer to discuss their participation in their app PantryGo. Zhou and Meltzer founded PantryGo as an app that allows people with food insecurity to select the type/kinds of groceries they need. Then, volunteers with the app […]
Rancho Santa Margarita Member Stella Chen Helped Prepare for Events at Distribution Center and Participated in Food Distribution at Santa Ana Cavalry Chapel Grocery
Rancho Santa Margarita’s Stella Chen helped prepare for events at Distribution Center on 4/23/21 for 2 hours, participated in food distribution at Santa Ana Cavalry Chapel Grocery on 4/24/21 for 6 hours, and helped prepare for events at Distribution Center on 4/26/21 for 3 hours. Stella: 11 hours
Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Bottle Donation and Board Election/Meeting
On April 16, 2021, AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch participated in a water bottle/can drive as well as elections for the upcoming year. The drive consisted of members bringing water bottles and other recyclables to the meeting in order to be donated by President, Katie Zhou. Katie then drove the bottles to the donation center […]
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch Participates in Lantern Festival
On February 26, 2021, the AYLUS RSM branch participated in the Lantern Festival hosted by CUSD Against Racism and Dear Asain Youth to show support for Asian-American communities in the face of harassment and discrimination. The members arrived at the event with red and gold lanterns graciously borrowed from Irvine Chinese School and made small […]
Rancho Santa Margarita Branch Donated Items to Mission Viejo’s Goodwill Center
On February 5th, 2021, AYLUS’s Rancho Santa Margarita Branch donated items to Mission Viejo Goodwill Center. Items included clothes, lightly used toys, and games. In light of communities struggling, the group gave things the community could purchase and use in times of need. The event was a way to give back […]
Rancho Santa Margarita Branch Donated Lunar New Year Items
On February 5th, 2021, AYLUS’s Rancho Santa Margarita Branch donated Lunar New Year items to their local high school’s Chinese language and culture teacher, Tesoro High School’s Ms. Ng. In celebration of the beginning of the Year of the Ox, members donated auspicious items including strawberry candies, fans, paper lanterns, banners, and more to enhance […]
Rancho Santa Margarita Branch Makes Cards for Healthcare Workers
On February 5th, 2021, AYLUS’s Rancho Santa Margarita Branch made cards for their local frontline healthcare workers at Mission Hospital. The group felt, as the pandemic was reaching its one year mark locally, the need to thank healthcare workers for their dedication and service to the community. Each member wrote five […]
Rancho Santa Margarita Branch Donates Homemade Stocking Blankets to Newborns at Saddleback Hospital
The Rancho Santa Branch, from December 4 to December 10, 2020, made stocking blankets for newborns in honor of their first Christmas’. Using colorful, winter-themed fabrics, the team was able to craft and distribute the blankets in a safe and efficient manner. To begin, Katie purchased the fabrics from Joann Fabrics, ranging from snowflakes to […]
Rancho Santa Margarita Branch Donates Clothes to Goodwill
On November 10, 2020, AYLUS RSM members donated lightly used clothes to the San Juan Capistrano Goodwill Boutique. Throughout the pandemic, the members gained much insight into their lives and how they could benefit their communities in the face of hardship. Each family gathered items that they were willing to donate and packaged them to […]
Rancho Santa Margarita Branch Participated in “Gratitude, Care, and Growth in the Pandemic” 2020 AYLUS Psychology Committee Event
On 9/11/2020 the Rancho Santa Margarita Branch participated in the AYLUS Psychology Committee Nationwide Event 2020, entitled “Gratitude, Care, and Growth in the Pandemic” by making a magazine/artwork collage. Though the pandemic has physically separated the branch for a considerable amount of time, the group still made efforts to collaborate on a project for the […]
Rancho Santa Margarita Branch Donated Pillows to Mission Hospital on July 31, 2020
On July 31, 2020, members of the AYLUS RSM Branch participated in making pillows to be donated to Mission Hospital in Mission Viejo, California. The activity allowed members to bond with one another and interact with face masks on. In total, 18 heart pillows were made with varying cloth patterns. To begin, members traced heart […]
Rancho Santa Margarita Branch made Face Masks Donated to Mission Hospital
On June 26, 2020, the Rancho Santa Margarita Branch participated in making face masks to be donated to Mission Hospital in Mission Viejo, California. In total, over 50 masks were made, washed, and delivered. The activity first required 6 yards of fabric and elastic strings, bought from Joann Fabric stores. On the day of, members […]
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Katie volunteered at Discovery Cube on March 1, 2020
On March 1, 2020, Aylus RSM branch’s Katie Zhou helped out at different exhibitions at Discovery Cube from 9:30 – 1:30.
Members of AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch donated to combat the Coronavirus in February, 2020
As the coronavirus broke out in Wuhan, China in the dawn of year 2020 and still threatens millions of lives, the members of AYLUS RSM have decided to step in to help. As a team effort, we first launched a campaign to collect more than $840. We searched all the resources locally and remotely to […]
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Katie volunteered at Aliso Beach Cleanup on February, 8, 2020
On February 8, 2020, Aylus RSM branch’s Katie Zhou volunteered with Members of Surf-rider club went to Aliso Beach Clean Up event from 9:30-12:30.
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Allison volunteered at Discovery Cube on December 29, 2019
On December 29, 2019, Aylus RSM branch’s Allision Li volunteered at Discovery Cube from 9:25am to 1:48pm. Service assignment: Team Celebration and Extra Credit.
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Allison volunteered at Discovery Cube on December 22, 2019
On December 22, 2019, Aylus RSM branch’s Allision Li volunteered at Discovery Cube from 9:28am to 2:01pm. Service assignment: Science of Gingerbread.
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Allison volunteered at Discovery Cube on December 8, 2019
On December 8, 2019, Aylus RSM branch’s Allision Li volunteered at Discovery Cube from 9:26am to 1:42pm. Service assignment: Team Celebration.
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Allison volunteered at Discovery Cube on November 27, 2019
On November 27, 2019, Aylus RSM branch’s Allision Li volunteered at Discovery Cube from 9:22am to 4:06pm. Service assignment: Team A.
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Allison volunteered at Discovery Cube on November 26, 2019
On November 26, 2019, Aylus RSM branch’s Allision Li volunteered at Discovery Cube from 9:21am to 5:01pm. Service assignment: Team A.
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Allison volunteered at Discovery Cube on November 17, 2019
On November 17, 2019, Aylus RSM branch’s Allision Li volunteered at Discovery Cube from 9:25am to 2:35pm. Service assignment: Team Celebration.
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Allison volunteered at Discovery Cube on November 11, 2019
On November 11, 2019, Aylus RSM branch’s Allision Li volunteered at Discovery Cube from 9:29am to 5:20pm, 11:00am to 12:00pm, and 2:00pm to 3:00pm. Service assignment: Team Celebration and Team A and Extra Credits.
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Allison volunteered at Discovery Cube on November 10, 2019
On October 10, 2019, Aylus RSM branch’s Allision Li volunteered at Discovery Cube from 9:32am to 1:45pm. Service assignment: Team Celebration.
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Allison volunteered at Discovery Cube on November 3, 2019
On November 3, 2019, Aylus RSM branch’s Allision Li volunteered at Discovery Cube from 9:32am to 1:30pm, and 1:00pm to 5:00pm. Service assignment: Team Celebration and Team A.
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Allison volunteered at Discovery Cube on October 27, 2019
On October 27, 2019, Aylus RSM branch’s Allision Li volunteered at Discovery Cube from 9:21am to 2:05pm, Service assignment: Team Celebration.
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Allison volunteered at Discovery Cube on October 20, 2019
On October 20, 2019, Aylus RSM branch’s Allision Li volunteered at Discovery Cube from 9:00am to 1:30pm, Service assignment: Train.
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Allison volunteered at Discovery Cube on October 13, 2019
On October 13, 2019, Aylus RSM branch’s Allision Li volunteered at Discovery Cube from 9:27am to 1:31pm, Service assignment: Spooky Science.
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Allison volunteered at Discovery Cube on October 6, 2019
On October 6, 2019, Aylus RSM branch’s Allision Li volunteered at Discovery Cube from 9:27am to 1:30pm, Service assignment: Team Celebration.
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Allison volunteered at Discovery Cube on September 29, 2019
On September 29, 2019, Aylus RSM branch’s Allision Li volunteered at Discovery Cube from 9:23am to 1:32pm, Service assignment: Team A.
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Allison volunteered at Discovery Cube on September 28, 2019
On September 28, 2019, Aylus RSM branch’s Allision Li volunteered at Discovery Cube from 3:28pm to 10:00pm, Service assignment: Special Events.
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Allison volunteered at Discovery Cube on September 15, 2019
On September 15, 2019, Aylus RSM branch’s Allision Li volunteered at Discovery Cube from 10:00am to 12:45pm, and 1:00pm to 2:00pm. Service assignment: Training.
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Allison volunteered at Discovery Cube on September 8, 2019
On September 8, 2019, Aylus RSM branch’s Allision Li volunteered at Discovery Cube from 9:29am to 1:29pm, Service assignment: Team A.
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Allison volunteered at Discovery Cube on August 31, 2019
On August 31, 2019, Aylus RSM branch’s Allision Li volunteered at Discovery Cube from 9:54am to 1:00pm, Service assignment: Training.
AYLUS Rancho Santa Margarita Branch’s Allison volunteered at Discovery Cube on August 25, 2019
On August 25, 2019, Aylus RSM branch’s Allision Li volunteered at Discovery Cube from 9:24am to 1:29pm, Service assignment: Team A.