Category: Riverside County

Riverside County AYLUS Members Donate Handmade Cards to the Vineyard Ranch Senior Care Home on August 11th, 2022 (1)

On August 11th, several RCA members created handmade cards by drawing the front with uplifting images and adding several caring sentences inside. These cards were then donated to a local senior care home called Vineyard Ranch. This senior care home is already known to several members as it had been the location of several RCA […]

Riverside County AYLUS Members Procure Animal Food on August 6th and Return to the STAT Animal Shelter on August 7th, 2022 (2nd)

On August 6th, several RCA members went shopping for the STAT animal shelter using the funds that were raised a few days prior. Among others fresh vegetables and fruits such as carrots, potatoes and apples were purchased but also leafy greens for the turtles as well as food for the many birds, dogs, cats and […]

Riverside County AYLUS Members Clean-Up Local Neighborhood Park on August 5th, 2022 (14th)

On August 5th, 2022 three RCA members reunited at the local park for a new clean-up event. The members cleaned up trash and litter found near Harveston lake and the local sports-park. After 1.5 hr of clean-up the trash was properly disposed of. Plastic pollutes our environment and takes years to degrade. By keeping our […]

Riverside County AYLUS Raises Funds Through Baked Cookies for the STAT Animal Shelter on August 3rd-5th, 2022

Animals are deer to the heart of RCA members and thus the group decided to raise funds through home baked cookies. After gathering all the supplies from cookie dough to gift bags and parchment papers the volunteers got to work. After hours of baking the cookies were then wrapped in nice gift bags and were […]

Riverside County AYLUS Members Donate School Supplies for Children in Need During the Month of August 2022

Several members of the RCA branch donated school supplies that they had gathered through donations or purchased themselves on August 3rd, 2022. The Riverside County AYLUS branch donated these supplies to the Assistance League in Temecula. The Assistance League in Temecula is a well established local non-profit that has been supporting low income students through […]

Riverside County AYLUS branch Supports Environmental Efforts by Recycling Batteries and Clothes in April, 2022 (1st)

For Earth Day, the Riverside County AYLUS branch decided to recycle batteries and clothes during this week to help with ongoing ecological efforts to keep our environment and planet safe. Several members collected used batteries that could have otherwise, if not properly recycled, lead to ecological damage. In addition, non recycled clothes contribute to an […]

Riverside County AYLUS Members Draw and Write Cards for Children with Cancer on April 10th, 12th and 15th, 2022 (2)

In order to honor those kids that are battling cancer, several RSA members got together to draw some positive images and combine them with some uplifting messages. Card stock was bought, cut and folded to form appropriate size cards. The members met at a nearby park packed with all the supplies from paint and pens […]

Riverside County AYLUS Raises Funds for UNICEF to Combat World Hunger on March 18th and 19th, 2022 (1st)

On March 18th and 19th, 2022 RSA members created their first event to support UNICEF. As the world has fallen into uncertain times and as different parts of the world are experiencing extreme hunger due to food shortages because of war and drought such as this is the case in Somalia or Ukraine, RSA decided […]

Riverside County AYLUS Hosts a Pet Food Drive and Volunteers at Save The Animals Today on February 6th, 2022

Riverside County AYLUS members decided to start working with an animal sanctuary on February 6th, 2022. The group decided on a sanctuary that specializes in horses. This animal shelter is known to take in old horses that are too old to ride. STAT or Save The Animals Today is a non profit organization started by […]

Riverside County AYLUS Branch Fights Loneliness by Writing and Drawing Cards and Letters to Seniors on January 16th, 2022

On January 16th, 2022 several members of the Riverside County branch got together to paint and write cards and letters for the elderly. Initially, the branch had planned to return to the senior care home for another concert this month, however, due to the increase in Covid cases, it was decided to postpone this event […]

Riverside County AYLUS Members Volunteer at the Harveston Lake and Adjacent Sports Park on January 9th, 2022 (9th)

On January 9th, 2022 several members of the Riverside County AYLUS branch volunteered to clean up the Harveston lake park and the adjacent sports park. By picking up trash with grabbers and gloves the group made it a goal to keep the community clean from rubbish while preserving the environment for the local plants and […]

Riverside County AYLUS Hosts a Toy Drive for Children in Foster Care on December 17th, 2021 (1st)

As the holiday season is approaching the Riverside County AYLUS branch decided to host a Toy Drive for children in foster care. Many people have struggled during this pandemic, in particular families who have had troubles making ends meet. Children in foster care already have gone through different traumatic experiences and the group wanted to […]

Riverside County AYLUS Participates in the Walk to End Alzheimer on December 5th, 2021 (1st)

On December 5th, 2021 several members of the Riverside County AYLUS branch met up to raise awareness of Alzheimer’s disease. The members herewith wanted to show their support for the “Walk to End Alzheimer’s”. Many million Americans are affected by this disease every year and the number keeps growing. The Alzheimer’s Association raises funds to […]

Riverside County AYLUS Members Donate to the Local Food Bank for Thanksgiving on November 24th, 2021 (2nd)

Over Thanksgiving break, several members of the Riverside County AYLUS branch reunited to donate food to the people who are struggling during this pandemic. The branch has chosen the Western Eagle Foundation, a local food bank in Southern California, as its recipient. The Foundation has been feeding the hungry and those that are in need […]

Riverside County AYLUS Hosts a Coat and Blanket Drive for the Homeless on November 19, 2021 (1st)

For about 2 weeks Riverside County AYLUS collected donations such as blankets and coats for the homeless. An online flyer was designed by Sophie Chung and distributed among the members to make the community aware of our event. During this time, blankets and coats were gathered. The donations will help the needy in the community […]

Riverside County AYLUS Stays Committed to the Community Through Another Park Clean-Up Event on October 21st, 2021 (8th)

On October 21st, 2021, RCA members met at the local Harveston park for another clean-up session. Litter from pathways near and around the park, the lake and the neighborhood were cleaned of trash such as paper, snack wrappers, plastic bottles, cups, and other debris as well. Keeping the park and neighborhood clean will reflect on […]

Riverside County AYLUS Members Create Handmade Cards for Hospitalized Children on September 30th, 2021 (1st)

On September 30th, 2021, RCA’s newest member Cailey Seo attended her first event with the branch. Cailey, as well as Nicholas Navarro and Sophie Chung, created handmade cards for CFHK (Cards for Hospitalized Kids), an international charity organization. The get-well and uplifting cards are distributed by CFHK across Ronald McDonald Houses as well as hospitals […]

Riverside County AYLUS Hosts Its First Food Drive for the Western Eagle Foundation on September 17th, 2021

On September 17th, several RCA members got together to donate food boxes and perishable items collected and bought during the RCA food drive. Part of the donations was funded through a recent recycling event that RCA had hosted. The various different boxes were labeled and donated to the local Western Eagle Foundation, one of the […]

Riverside County AYLUS Hosts its First Recycling Event during the Month of September (09/11/21 and 09/17/21) (1st)

During the month of September, several RCA members met at the local recycling center (SA Recycling center in Murrieta) to recycle cans and plastic bottles that were collected over the weeks. As required by the recycling center, the bottles were all separated from the lids, and cans and bottles were sorted. Some bags were also […]

Riverside County AYLUS Hosts another Park Clean-up on August 30th, 2021 (8th)

On August 30th, 2021, RCA members met at the local Harveston park for another clean-up session. Litter from pathways near and around the park were cleaned of trash such as paper, snack wrappers, plastic bottles, cups, and other debris as well. The trash was then properly disposed of. Riverside County AYLUS will continue to help […]

Riverside County AYLUS Continues its Mental Health Series on August, 26th, 2021

Due to the continuous challenging time and the spread of Covid-19 within the community, RCA members Blake Chrisman, Sophie Chung, and Alyssa Paulsen got together virtually on August 26th, to continue working on RCA’s mental health series. This series is meant to address the challenge and raise awareness of mental health issues across all ages […]

Riverside County AYLUS Continues its School Supply Drive on August 11th, 13th, and 17th, 2021

Throughout the month of August, RSA members continued with the raising of funds and donations for its school supply drive. The money raised was then used to purchase necessary school supplies for the Hugs Foster Family Agency in Murrieta. During this entire drive nearly 30 new backpacks, countless binders, pencils, pens, markers, glue bottles, crayons, […]

Riverside County AYLUS Hosts its Seventh Park Clean-up on August 9th, 2021

On August 9th, 2021, RCA members Kevin Bui, Sophie Chung, Korbin Bui, and Nicholas Navarro met at the local Harveston park for another clean-up session. This time, the group decided to continue onto the sports park and clean its surroundings from any visible litter and trash such as paper, snack wrappers, plastic bottles, straws, cups, […]

Riverside County AYLUS supports Pediatric Cancer Patients through a first Walkathon on August 4th, 2021

On August 4th, 2021 several RCA members joined forces to raise funds for Cancer Kids First, a non-profit that helps pediatric cancer patients with donations such as toys and cards among others. The goal is to help these children get through the hard times and better their experience while going through treatment. RCA member Sophie […]

Riverside County AYLUS Hosts its First School Supply Drive on July 30th, 2021

On July 30th, 2021 RCA members got together to host their first school supply drive. RCA member Sophie Chung created an online flyer that was distributed to the group to help with the efforts. During the week RCA members created several requests on social media and collected supplies from neighbors, friends, and family. Some also […]

Riverside County AYLUS Continues to Support Literacy in Economically Challenged Communities on July 28th, 2021

On July 28th, 2021 several RCA members reunited on Zoom to continue their support for BookSpring, a non-profit organization that helps with literacy in economically challenged areas. After communicating with Ms.Thorne, the Ed Program Manager at BookSpring regarding the volunteer work that was needed, the main focus this time was set on elementary schools. Riverside […]

Riverside County AYLUS Members Participate in the AYLUS National Conference on July 25th, 2021

On July 25th, 2021, Riverside County AYLUS members Sophie Chung, Aarya Adusumilli, and Aadhya Adusumilli participated in various sessions of the AYLUS National Conference. This is the first national conference that was hosted virtually and that featured professionals with various backgrounds from STEM to law, to business and healthcare just to name a few. Graduates […]

Riverside County AYLUS Hosts its Fifth Park Clean-up on July 21st, 2021

On July 21st, 2021, RCA members got together to continue the mission of keeping the local neighborhood park and its surroundings clean. All members wore masks and gloves during this event to keep safe. The group cleaned its neighborhood park from any visible litter and trash such as paper, snack wrappers, plastic bottles, straws, cups, […]

Riverside County AYLUS Hosts its First Shoe Drive for Children in Foster Care from July 13th – July 19th, 2021

From July 13th to July 19th, RCA hosted its first shoe drive for children in foster care. After establishing contact with the agency for the school supply drive that RCA is currently planning and working on, the Hugs Foster Family Agency mentioned the need for shoes. RCA made it its immediate mission to help. An […]