Category: Fort Bend, TX Branch Posts

Fort Bend TX Branch Runs for Grant-A-Starr

In the summer of 2005 soon after completing the first grade, Grant Starr, an otherwise extremely healthy and energetic seven-year old, contracted a seemingly common viral infection. After several days and multiple visits to his pediatrician, Grant’s symptoms progressed to the point that he suffered seizures and was admitted to Texas Children’s Hospital Pediatric Intensive […]

Fort Bend TX Branch: VEX South Texas Championship

The Fort Bend TX Branch members went to the VEX South Texas Championship Competition at League City, Texas on Feb. 26th, 2016.  We had very high expectations but unfortunately the results weren’t as ideal as we would have hoped for. Insufficient preparation due to heavy school activities and duties took a toll from us. However, on the bright side, thanks to […]