AYLUS Oakland Gardens Branch Takes Care of Community Garden (07/10/2024)

On July 10th, AYLUS Oakland Gardens held its 84th event. The members all went to our local community garden to rip up all the weeds in the flower beds and water the plants consistently. We were all familiar with this area, so we got the gist and knew how to do this fairly quickly and efficiently.

As the event started, the weather was already super hot, so the process was going to take much longer than it needed to. But the sunlight was blocked by the school, allowing us to see properly and not get tanned during the event, and we knew that if we pushed past the obstacle, we would be fine. We first started to untangle the hose, which was very time-consuming because the people that came to volunteer last time didn’t do a good job storing it. At the same time, the other members were busy removing the weeds. We were sure to be keen in case of any weeds that none of the members had noticed.

Later on, during the event, everyone came together to start watering the plants. Using the hoses, we filled up the buckets we had brought from our own home and thoroughly watered the plants. We made sure to not fill too little or they would die from dehydration, and we also did not pour too much or they’d drown. Using the buckets and hoses, we managed to complete our task in a short period of time. We’d also brought home some of the vegetation that was ripe and ready to harvest, as a celebration of our achievements and what we had done.

Although we were familiar with this area, it has still taught us strategies and easy ways to overcome problems, and it has strengthened our teamwork and bond. As we continue to help the area, we all hope that these experiences will help us improve and surpass our limits.

Our volunteers:

Sophia ShiHan You : 1.5 hours

Stephanie ShiRan You : 1.5 hours

Jia Qi Liu : 1.5  hours

Brandon Lin : 1.5 hours

Hong Hao Liu : 1.5 hours

Aiden Lin : 1.5 hours

Iokseng Lin : 1.5 hours

Ioknor Lin :1.5 hours

Ioklee Lin : 1.5 hours

Iokting Lin : 1.5 hours

Matthew Lin: 1.5 hours

Parent Adviser Team:

Cui Fang Li (Fannie): 2 hours

Teng Fei Liu (Faye): 2 hours

Hsinhui Liao (Karen): 2 hours

Report written by: Aiden Lin

Reviewed by: Jia Qi (Angela) Liu

Updated: July 12, 2024 — 2:55 am

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