On Saturday, January 6, 2024, AYLUS Oakland Gardens members went to Chelsea Art School to set up a book drop off box inside of the school. Some AYLUS members helped make and decorate a small box to put inside of the school. We had asked an art teacher named Ms. Jennifer, who had earlier kindly allowed us to put a Book Donation box inside of the school to help contribute to the book donation for Africa Library. We appreciate Ms. Jennifer’s kind gesture which led us one step closer to our goal of 1,000 books. Afterwards, we put a poster displaying some information about the book drive on a bulletin board in the school. We hope we can be very successful and get 1000 books by the end of the school year.
Our Volunteers:
Hong Hao Liu (Alfred): 0.5 hour
Stephanie ShiRan You: 0.5 hour
Sophia ShiHan You: 0.5 hour
Jia Qi Liu (Angela): 0.5 hour
Shiqi Zheng (Suki): 0.5 hour
Report by Hong Hao Liu (Alfred), Stephanie Shi Ran You
Reviewed by Jia Qi Liu (Angela)