AYLUS Great Neck Branch Volunteer at Bethpage State Park on 6/29/24(35th)

Today on June 29, 2024, the Aylus Great Neck Branch members volunteered once again at Bethpage State Park. The park consists of gorgeous natural scenery along with green house gardens and golf courses. Our volunteers mainly worked around the gardens of the park with the purpose to help plant native plants that would benefit the environment.
Our volunteers arrive early in the morning for the members of the park to take them through the park and to the greenhouse. They were tasked with various activities such as mixing water into soil, filling the pots with freshly watered soil, repotting native plants into separate little planters, carrying the pots to the greenhouse, and helping sort empty pots and planters.
The plants our members helped re-pot were all various different types of native plants that are important to the environment. The types of plants include: sweet goldenrod, foxglove beardtongue, swamp rose mallow, maryland aster, hyssop leaf thoroughwort. More specifically they are native pollinator plants that help benefit pollinators and wildlife in Long Island. These plants help absorb stormwater and also help clean the air. The plants start out as seeds and our volunteers help repot them once they sprout. They are put in larger pots for them to grow and can later be planted around the park as well as plant them in other parks in the fall.

Report by: CianYu Chien
Volunteers(2 hour): CianYu Chien, Tiffany Zhang, Zoe Xia, Jason Zhang, Qifeng Han, Qishen Han, Andrew Qian, Austin Wang, Yingxiang Liu, Felicia Liu, Yuya Liu, Darren Qu, Cal Baluyet, Ian Tong, Alivia You, Adena Yang, shaoYu Guo

Updated: July 2, 2024 — 6:06 pm

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