Upper Manhattan Branch Hosts Cleanup Activity At Virginia Point On April 20

On April 20th, a duo of dedicated volunteers, Richard Xu and Mark Li, embarked on a meaningful endeavor at Virginia Point. Their mission was clear: to preserve the beauty of this natural gem by clearing the trail and removing cigarette litter. Their two-hour effort not only enhanced the aesthetics of Virginia Point but also contributed to a healthier and more enjoyable outdoor experience for all.

Virginia Point, nestled along the serene waterfront, is a cherished haven for nature enthusiasts and visitors seeking tranquility amidst lush landscapes. However, like many outdoor spaces, it faces the challenge of littering and environmental degradation. Richard and Mark recognized the importance of preserving this pristine environment and took proactive steps to make a positive impact.

Their volunteering journey commenced with clearing the trail, a task that required careful attention to detail and a passion for maintaining natural beauty. Richard and Mark traversed the winding paths, meticulously removing fallen branches, debris, and other obstacles that hindered the trail’s accessibility. Their efforts not only improved the safety of the trail but also enhanced the overall hiking experience for visitors.

In addition to trail maintenance, Richard and Mark focused on clearing cigarette litter, a pervasive issue that threatens the health of ecosystems and wildlife. Armed with gloves and determination, they diligently combed through the area, picking up discarded cigarette butts and ensuring they were properly disposed of. Their commitment to addressing this environmental concern not only beautified Virginia Point but also promoted a cleaner and healthier environment for all who visit.

Members who participated(2 hrs): Mark Li and Richard Xu

Reported by Mark

Updated: April 22, 2024 — 4:22 pm

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