AYLUS San Fernando Valley Hosts Park Cleanup of Chapparal Park on January 28, 2024

On January 28, 2024, the AYLUS branch of San Fernando Valley volunteered for half-an-hour after school, from 3:00 p.m to 3:30 p.m, spreading out across the park and picking up trash.

Members of the branch Jason Xie, Vaibhav Sridhar, George Wang, Max Gorodetzki, and Gabriel Beltran-Castillo spread out all over the park and picked up any piece of trash that they could find, such as plastic wrappers and other food waste.

All in all, the branch picked up two bags of trash, including torn up baseballs and golf balls and a soda can. A job well done!

Jason Xie – 30 mins (took banner picture)
Vaibhav Sridhar – 30 mins
George Wang – 30 mins
Max Gorodetzki – 30 mins
Gabriel Beltran-Castillo – 30 mins

Updated: January 29, 2024 — 2:09 am

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