RC Branch attended senior dance service on 04/14/2023


On April 14th, 2023, the Hollywood Glam Dance was held at Central Park James L Brulte Senior, and many elderly residents of our community attended the event dressed in their finest attire. Our AYLUS branch was fortunate enough to participate in this volunteer service, with ten members in attendance. We have supported this dance event as volunteers several times before, but this year’s stage decoration was exceptionally creative. The music and dances were all inspired by classic Hollywood films, making the night even more special.


We were honored to provide food and beverage services to the elderly attendees, and seeing them enjoy a pleasant weekend evening made us feel that our service was truly meaningful. Our previous performance as volunteers was recognized by the senior center, and thus, we were given more spots to participate in the dance event. We look forward to the next exciting community activity.


Our participation in this event as volunteers was more than just an opportunity to serve; it was a chance to connect with our community’s senior citizens and provide them with a night to remember. Our members worked tirelessly to ensure that the attendees received the best possible service. We believe that this kind of service can bring people closer together and foster a stronger sense of community.

Our branch members were grateful for the opportunity to participate in such a fulfilling event, and we look forward to future opportunities to serve our community. Through these events, we hope to continue to make a positive impact and foster stronger connections with our community. Overall, the Hollywood Glam Dance was a success, and we are proud to have been a part of it.

The volunteer time for this event was 5 hours, and the names of the participating members are: Ryan Kan; Tommy Tang; Zixuan Wang; Chen Su; Yuxuan Liu; Yangxuezhe Sun; Wenyi Hu; Jiahe Song; Xinran  Zhang; Xinwei Yin

Updated: April 29, 2023 — 12:53 pm

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