Phoenix AYLUS Christmas Toy and Supply Drive in December 2022

Christmas Toy and Supply Drive: Help share the holiday spirit by donating gifts to Midwest Food Banks Operation Christmas Child!
Items include: toothbrushes, small toy items or small plushies (ie. action figures-not military and not containing weapons, barbie dolls, small foam balls, beanie babies, etc.), non-medicated lip balm, store bought playdough (not homemade), small packaged wet wipes, crayons, coloring books or small spiral notebooks, fashion accessories (ie. hairclips, headbands, hairbrushes), flip flops, yoyo’s, and jump ropes.
Victor Long: ( 10 hours)
Grace Zhang ( 4 hours)
Audrey Zhang (4 hours)
Ethan Wei (2 hours)
Updated: April 3, 2023 — 12:29 am

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