Phoenix Branch Packs Food at Feed My Starving Children on January 4, 2020

On January 4, 2019, the Phoenix branch volunteered at Feed My Starving Children in Mesa from 4:30 to 6:30pm (2hrs) to support incredibly hungry children in Guatemala. While most volunteers at this event worked at the stations– bagging, packing, and boxing the nutritious combination of vitamins, vegetables, soy, and rice– others stepped up to the challenge of being on the warehouse crew, lifting around 30 pounds worth of ingredients to the tables that needed it. Some volunteers became apart of the labeling crew, where they put stickers on the bags.

At the end of the session, the workers at Feed My Starving Children showed our members how much food our members packed and how many children that food could feed for a year. Our volunteers were also shown an inspirational story of children who went through an immense transformation because of the work our volunteers put in.  From this, our volunteers were touched and really understood the value of the work they put in. They were not only filling the stomachs of these children, but also allowing them to develop properly and stay focused in school.

The members that participated in this event include Michelle Yu, Michael Chen, Tony Liu, Jayden Liu, Marie Chen, Charles Zhang, Alvin Zhao, Ashley Zhao, Anson Zhao, Ivy Wang, Phoebe Wang, Amy Xie, Michelle Lee, Laura Wang, Bridget Chen, Heather Li, Leona Wang, Sophie Li,  and Kerry Zhao.

This event was truly rewarding to the members, since they knew how much they contributed while also having fun jamming out to music. In the future, we hope to continue doing volunteer projects like these in order to continue helping this cause and people around the world.

Updated: January 5, 2020 — 4:19 am

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