Greenwich branch hosted book club and WordMasters Study Group for elementary kids in October 2021

On October 2nd, 2021, Greenwich AYLUS branch member Annabel Zhou (0.5 hours) hosted a book club meeting for elementary kids.  Our book club promotes reading for young readers in Grade 2 through grade 4. Annabel Zhou facilitated the book club discussion and worked with the kids to select the book title: Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper as the book title for the next book club.

On October 2nd, 2021, Greenwich AYLUS branch member Annabel Zhou also started the first WordMasters study group (1 hour) for grade 3 kids to help them prepare for the WordMasters Challenge.  The word masters study group is initiated to fill in the gap that preparation for WordMasters Challenge was much needed but was unfortunately recently excluded from the school curriculum.

On October 16th, 2021, Annabel Zhou organized the 2nd WordMasters study group (0.5 hours). Annabel reviewed the Wordmaster Cards that kids have completed and provided feedback and suggestions on how to make more meaningful and efficient WordMaster cards.



Updated: October 18, 2021 — 3:43 pm

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