In October, the Greater Princeton Branch of AYLUS (GPA) students continued their Education Help Program. Although schools are restarting, some middle school students are still looking for tutoring classes to improve their academic skills in classes like math, science, or reading. Because of this, GPA is holding tutoring opportunities in core subjects.
GPA members (10/6, 2 hrs) Karen Yang and Kevin Song: Today was our fourth writers’ workshop! First, we talked about upcoming announcements with a lot more details about the upcoming writing competition revolving around green energy and usage (submit here if you are interested). We then kept everyone in the main room to freely write or write according to memoirs. I also conducted one on one conferencing with a few students and published their work on our website. We’ll see everyone next week!
Writing Competition sponsored by Five Dimensions Energy!
Must be between 5th-8th grade
Have parent’s permission if under 13 years old
FOR FICTION: Write a fictional short story (<1000 words) or a poem (< 25 lines) that includes either 3 examples of green energy usage (and the benefits of it) or 3 examples of NOT green energy usage and the negative consequences of not using it.
FOR NONFICTION: Write an essay (<1000 words) about the most effective renewable/green resource and why.
FOR BOTH: Write a paragraph (<250 words) about what green energy means to you.
Prizes (there will be a first, second, third place in each individual category):
1st place: $25
2nd place: $15
3rd place: $10
(either check or Amazon gift card)
Your piece will also be published!
Deadline: November 1st
The program allows GPA members to provide reading, writing, speaking, communication, and more to their students across the country.