AYLUS Syosset NY Branch offered an English tutoring session (12/20/2020, #19)

On 12/20/2020, five members of the Syosset AYLUS (Leo Cheng, John Thach, Ryan Leung and Alan Huang, Jasmine Chen) taught a ninety-minute English class to multiple newly immigrated high school students with varying degrees of proficiency in English. 

The lesson consisted of three parts: Reading, Writing and Speaking. 

In class, tutor Leo Cheng taught the reading portion of the English class. First, the homework about the Minotaur was completely reviewed. A new passage was introduced and read for the rest of the class called “ The Gift of the Magi”. 

Student tutors Jasmine Chen and John Thach taught the writing portion of AYLUS Syosset’s 19th online ESL Tutoring class. This class, the tutors designed a lesson surrounding the festive holiday season, covering vocabulary relating to the various events which take place around the Winter Season and their cultural significance. Afterwards, “storytime” was conducted, where students created their own stories from ambiguous photos. Fittingly, the photos used for this storytime session were holiday themed as well. The last portion of the class had students write responses for certain prompts. Each student had the ability to pick a specific prompt from a list of four, to which they would write down their answer and read it aloud. The tutors would then give feedback based off of the response. The class was instructed in English to immerse the students in an English environment.

Alan Huang and Ryan Leung reviewed stressed syllables for newcomer and return students(who weren’t here for the lesson before) We went over how to find the correct stressed syllables based off of the “clear vowel method”, “Pitch method”, and “length method.” For the weekly students, we read articles and answered open ended questions that were related to the main ideas of the article. We also watched the same Chinese movie with English subtitles as the last class.


The following 5 students volunteered in today’s tutoring program: John Thach(1.5 hours), Leo Cheng (1.5 hours), Alan Huang(1.5 hours) and Ryan Leung (1.5 hours) Jasmine Chen(1.5 hours). 





Updated: December 21, 2020 — 2:46 am

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