Greater Princeton AYLUS Promotes Plastic Recycling (2nd) in November 2020

Since October 24, 2020, the Greater Princeton Branch of AYLUS (GPA) has started a “Speech on Recycling” Project. It is part of our soft plastic bags and film recycling project and a continuing effort for the GPA students to put their influence on the local community since their last public speech to the West Windsor Council on October 15, 2019 to support an ordinance proposed to reduce the usage of plastic bags.

Recycling has become as common today as taking out the trash. But not all items can recycle easily. Most of the soft plastic bags and film still end up in the landfill unless we intentionally separate and collect them for special recycling treatment. Besides collecting all of those soft plastic items and having them delivered to designated locations for proper recycling, it is beneficial for GPA members to spread the words to other families in our community through our “Speech on Recycle” project.

GPA Co-Vice President Zihui Alisa Xiao has been collecting speeches including her own (11/5, 3 hrs). Alisa is also editing all speech videos for a Speech on Recycling Debate scheduled for November 8th, 2020.

Steven Chi (11/6, 3 hrs) and Donna Nagorny (11/6, 3 hrs) also submitted their speech videos on plastic recycling. We look forward to more speech videos made by GPA members in the next few days!

Updated: May 1, 2021 — 6:07 pm

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