With the global pandemic of Covid-19, the East Cobb branch of AYLUS has used this as an opportunity to contribute to the community. With many healthcare workers overworked during this time, members made thank you/appreciation cards and other crafts in honor of National Nurses Day last week. Members delivered these gifts to the WellStar East Cobb Health Park on June 2, 2020.
On the day of drop-off, 11 AYLUS members met outside the outpatient center of the WellStar hospital at 10 am wearing protective masks and gloves. There was a great variety of crafts made. All the members collectively made over 2000 cards, and most were packed into over 100 Ziplock bags, while some were attached to large poster paper as a way to decorate the halls of the hospital. Some members even made origami, which were attached on strings and also put on poster paper. The crafts, as well as some snacks, were packaged into several separate boxes. The operations director of the hospital greeted the members and brought out a cart out to store all the gifts. A police officer also joined members outside to take pictures.
The East Cobb branch of AYLUS donated these gifts as a way to show appreciation for all the grueling work and pressure healthcare professionals currently must deal with to keep the community safe. Nurses and other workers are sacrificing their time and their own lives. The East Cobb branch organized this project with great gratitude and was more than happy to show their appreciation.
Attendance: Brian Kuang(1 hours), Jeffery Kuang(1 hours), Susanna Huang (1 hours), Jay Pan (1 hours), Cynthia Ruan (1 hours), Eileen Zhang (1 hours), Jack Xu(1 hours), Jerry Xu (1 hours), Stanley Lu (1 hours), Sean Yan (1 hours), Angie Lin (1 hours)
Reported by Angie Lin