On May 3, 2024, the Marlboro Branch of AYLUS held an impactful beach cleanup at Sandy Hook Beach, showcasing our dedication to environmental preservation. Volunteers worked together to collect and properly dispose of over 25 pounds of trash, including plastic bottles, wrappers, and other debris, helping to protect marine life and keep the shoreline pristine. This successful event not only improved the local environment but also raised awareness about the importance of maintaining clean and sustainable beaches. We look forward to organizing more initiatives to protect our planet.
Shreyans Shah– 6 hrs
Abhiansh Pathak– 6 hrs
Shriyan Parsa – 4 hrs
Siddarth Kedharnath– 4 hrs
Ritwik Singh– 4 hrs
Arth Thummar– 4 hrs
Rishab Verma — 4 hrs
Ruhi Lokanadham — 4 hrs
Vipul Pemmaraju — 5 hrs
Andy Chu — 4 hrs