Aylus Great Neck Branch Volunteered at Bethpage State Park Playground on 10/19/2024(49th)

Aylus Great Neck Branch Volunteer at Bethpage State Park Playground on October 19, 2024

On October 19th, 2024, volunteers of AYLUS went into Bethpage Park to help sort the seeds for the winter. Guided by the park’s supervisors, we learned about different ways of cultivating seeds out of the variety of plants that they worked with. Not only was this event fun, but also educational, as we learned about what different types of plants and seeds in the park looked like, such as Pluchea Adorata, Eurybia Macrophylla, Chrysopsis Mariana, and Blue Mistflower, just to name a few. We also stored and labeled different cultivated seeds into pouches so the seeds would be ready in the seeds library when winter came. With the guidance of the park supervisors, we learned how to label the seeds in order for the upcoming winter correctly.
Overall, we had not only an educational experience but also a fun one, as we were able to get out of the house and truly connect with nature to the deepest extent. We were able to learn about the different types of seeds and plants and how to cultivate them for the winter, and we were able to relax, get outside and be in the sun, while doing it. This work kept us busy and productive, and at the end, we gained more knowledge and we were able to take a complimentary gift at the end of the event, which was a nice plant that we could keep and nurture.
Report By: Jerry Li
Volunteers: Tiffany Zhang, Zoe Xia, Jerry Li, Kevin Li, Yingxiang Liu, Felicia, Yuya Liu (2 hours)

Updated: October 20, 2024 — 2:24 am

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