Idaho Falls, ID

Status: ACTIVE


On August 29th, 2023, three students in Idaho Falls, ID founded the 144th branch of the Alliance of Youth Leaders in the United States (AYLUS): Idaho Falls, ID.


Congratulations to the Idaho Falls Branch Founders! Great job!


Description of the Idaho Falls Branch

Like other high schoolers nationwide, we are the same passionate and enthusiastic about our community. We want to break through the geographical restrictions and be proud to become the first branch in Idaho! Idaho should be more than just famous for potato farms! We want to establish and extend AYLUS influence in Idaho.

The three leaders are all 11th graders and from three different high schools and two school districts in Idaho Falls. This would be a great advantage for extending AYLUS influence and expanding potential. We are committed to helping local communities through volunteer projects while developing our members, such as attending the food kitchen, senior center, children’s hospital, animal shelter, and elementary schools for various services and activities. In addition, we are committed to promoting a diverse and caring culture in the community. In Idaho Falls, Asians make up only 1% of the population. We can embrace different facets of our communities through our activities and members to enhance mutual understanding.

Establishing the first branch in Idaho, Idaho Falls branch ALYUS, is unprecedented and significant to the area. We will proudly carry on the missions of AYLUS: promote the development of its member’s LEADERSHIP, INTEGRITY, and INNOVATION through the planning and execution of volunteer projects that aim at benefiting our communities.


Branch Leadership

Position Name Email
President Michael Wu
Vice President Crew Belnap
Secretary Nolan Ma
Advisor Xiaoyun Yang


Branch Members

Position Name Status (Active/Inactive)
Member Maddie Cutts Active
Member Kayden George Active
Member Hiro Quan Active
Member Benjamin Xing Active
Member Zachary Long Active
Member Sophie Ma Active
Member Olivia Ding Active



Updated: October 11, 2024 — 8:09 pm

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