AYLUS Ridgewood Branch Runs Garage Sale to Raise Money

On September 21st, the Ridgewood AYLUS branch held a garage sale fundraiser in order to raise money for future activities that will further benefit the community. Members made a sign encouraging people to buy and check out the fundraiser. Our members and their families donated new and used items to sell, such as clothes, glasses, and coffee grinders. In total, we raised almost $100.

Members Participating:

Ryan Gao – 5.5 hours

Roy Sun – 5.5 hours

Fred Huang – 5.5 hours

Jack Zhang – 4 hours

Eric Zhou – 3 hours

Rachel Sun – 3 hours

Alan Wang – 2.5 hours

Andrew Pan – 2 hours

Ethan Yang – 0.5 hour

Updated: October 3, 2024 — 5:19 pm

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