Event 19: Host community Book drive and donate books to local library in September 2024

In September, Aylus Morris Branch members successfully hosted a community book drive, gathering 436 books to donate to the local library. After collecting the books, our team worked together to organize and carefully pack each one. We sorted them by genre, age group, and condition, ensuring that the local library would receive a well-curated selection. Volunteers spent an hour labeling and boxing the books, making sure they were ready for easy transport and shelving. This meticulous process not only ensured the safe delivery of the 436 donated books but also made it easier for the library staff to integrate them into their collection. The teamwork and dedication shown during this phase truly highlighted the community’s commitment to supporting literacy.

Our book drive brought together neighbors, friends, and local businesses in a collective effort to promote literacy. Over the course of several weeks, we collected a wide range of genres, from children’s literature to educational materials and fiction for all ages. The donation of 436 books will help fill the shelves of the local library, offering fresh resources for readers and learners alike. This initiative not only strengthens our library but also fosters a sense of community, encouraging people to share their love of reading. We are proud of this achievement and grateful for the generosity of everyone who contributed.


2 hours
Xiang Li, Kelly Nie, Han Li, Shirley Nie, Ivy Bai, Emma Bai
1 hour
Averyl Xu, Ivan Chen
Xue Gu
Linna Wang



Updated: September 21, 2024 — 8:22 pm

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