City and Neighbor Support: Pearland Volunteers Supported Project Rise and Shine in August 2024

AYLUS Pearland has been a partner of Project Rise and Shine (PRS) since 2020 and has received an annual grant from the Hogg Foundation to promote the mental health of minority youth. As part of the grant requirements, AYLUS Pearland submits expense reports, maintains a list of programs with statistical data, and reports to PRS on the impact of each program on youth and society. Starting in May 2023, AYLUS Pearland’s responsibilities expanded to include assisting other PRS partners in fulfilling their reporting duties. In August 2024, AYLUS volunteers actively assisted Project Rise and Shine’s routine management tasks. Their contributions included:

– Derek Zhu, Katherine Wu, Andy Shi: Assisted LSA/PRS in tracking the status of youth-led activities and archiving and adding key words to ease of searching for all historical reports since 2019.

-Christy Zheng, Sulan Yang and Allison Zhang: Designed flyers/posters for partner events

-Tina Dong: managed Facebook postings.

– Aila Jiang: Filed August activity reports, input event attendance data, and assessed the impact of each event.

-Eddie Fu, Aila Jiang: Prepared Expense Report for PRS partners

– Gregory Song: taught an online English tutoring class

–Anna Zheng, Wyatt Yin, Roy Zheng: Sent event notification and sign -up. Maintained the event calendar.

– Matthew Niu and Jonathan Niu: posted reports on Website for LSA and PRS

Volunteer Hours in August 2024:

  • 8/2 6-9pm(3hrs); Derek Zhu
  • 8/3 6-9pm (3hrs): Dereke Zhu
  • 8/17 (1.5 hr 7:30-9pm) Gregory Song
  • 8/17 (2 hrs 6-8pm): Eddie Fu; Anna Zheng, Wyatt Yin, Roy Zheng, Tina Dong
  • 8/16 (2 hrs 6-8pm): Matthew Niu, Jonathan Niu
  • 8/18 (4hr 6-10pm): Aila Jiang; Christy Zheng, Sulan Yang
  • 8/20 (3 hrs 5-8pm): Allison Zhang, Tina Dong, Katherine Wu, Andy Shi
  • 8/23 (3 hrs, 5-8pm): Katherine Wu, Andy Shi
  • 8/24 (7:30-9pm): Gregory Song
  • 8/30 (3 hrs 5-8pm): Katherine Wu, Andy Shi
  • 8/31 (2 hrs 6-8pm): Matthew Niu, Jonathan Niu;
  • 8/31 (5 hrs 1-6pm): Katherine Wu, Andy Shi

Updated: September 1, 2024 — 3:53 pm

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