Oakland Gardens Branch Introduce AYLUS to Community (08/12/2024)

This is our 107th event on August 12th, 2024. Some of the AYLUS Oakland Gardens Branch members worked together to create a video that spread and showed the community our one year anniversary celebration as a branch. This video also serves the purpose of introducing AYLUS and spreading the reach of AYLUS further. With the videos showing fun activities, viewers would be further engaged and interested in AYLUS as a whole. In this video, our members pieced together pictures and videos that were taken on August 03, and paired it with music, to bring a fun video for everyone to see. Through using Adobe Express, they worked tirelessly for a week to create their vision. With a background color that represents AYLUS, they add in other aspects such as the design and animations of the video to make it more fun. Pictures and videos were added in a template like a film clip, as our members wished to present memories in a film-like way.


Our Volunteers:

Jia Qi Liu (Angela): 2.5 hours

Anthony Lin: 2.5 hours

Brandon Lin: 2.5 hours


Parent Advisors:

Cui Fang Li (Fannie): 2.5 hours

Teng Fei Liu (Faye): 2.5 hours

Hsinhui Liao (Karen): 2.5 hours


Report by: Jia Qi Liu (Angela)

Youtube Link


Updated: August 14, 2024 — 12:21 am

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