AYLUS Oakland Gardens Branch Waters Community Garden (8/10/2024)

This was AYLUS Oakland Gardens 105th event. Today, August 10, 2024, we were watering the plants in P.S 319Q Community Garden. Due to the heat the plants were dehydrated and  needed water. We watered the plants, rehydrated them, and pulled their weeds making sure that the weeds wouldn’t fight for the water and take it.

As we removed the weeds we realized many tomatoes were ready to be picked and eaten. So, we filled a small bucket with a bit of water and started picking tomatoes and putting them in the bucket, making sure they were washed with the water. There were so many tomatoes that we ended up having two buckets filled to the brim with tomatoes. One small bucket and one big bucket were both filled with ripe red tomatoes.

In the end we had fun taking care of the garden and making sure we had made the garden a better place for everyone else. This way, the community will have lots of fruits and vegetables to eat, like tomatoes and cucumbers.

Our volunteers:

Iokseng Lin: 1.5 hours

Hong Hao Liu: 1.5 hours

Jia Qi Liu: 1.5 hours

Iokting Lin: 1.5 hours

Sophia ShiHan You: 1.5 hours

Stephanie ShiRan You: 1.5 hours

Matthew Lin: 1.5 hours

Ioklee Lin: 1.5  hours

Aiden Lin: 1.5 hours

Brandon Lin: 1.5 hours

Ioknor Lin: 1.5 hours

Parent Adviser Team:

Teng Fei Liu: 2 hours

Hsinhui Liao: 2 hours

Cui Fang Li: 2 hours


Report Written by: Stephanie ShiRan You

Reviewed by: Jia Qi (Angela) Liu

Updated: August 13, 2024 — 4:23 am

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