SMILE 4 Special Needs (#172) Pearland Volunteers Taught Bucket Drumming (#20) at GiGi’s Playhouse Sugarland on Aug 3, 2024

On the afternoon of August 3, 2024, volunteers conducted a bucket drumming session for kids with special needs at GiGi’s Playhouse Sugarland. Four children participated, with the youngest being 19 months old. One of the participants was a 3-year-old first-timer who quickly picked up the skills and eagerly played on stage. This session marked the final bucket drumming class at the Sugarland location for the summer. A local volunteer who participated in the session expressed interest in leading the bucket drumming activities when school starts, as Pearland volunteers will not be available to teach regularly.
 Volunteers (2 hours):Aila Jiang, Erica Gao, Zoey Dou, Brendon Jiang, Junxi (Mark) Zhang
 Parent on duty (2 hours): Carol Li
Updated: August 4, 2024 — 9:15 pm

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