Frisco & Plano Branch Donated Recycled Crayons to NCRP on July 20th 2024

Reported by Karen Li

Posted by Karen Li

Today on July 20 we Aylus members mailed a box of 30lbs broken/unwanted/used crayons to National Crayon Recycle Program (NCRP), whose mission is to spread happiness and unleash creativity by providing recycled crayons to children facing challenging situations.

This event mainly comprised of prep work, which included each members getting crayons from either our own houses and from friends and neighbors, then dropping off to several collecting locations. Then today, after a few weeks of collecting crayons, we all met up at the postal office to ship all the crayons collected to NCPR to remake into new crayons. To minimize the shipping cost we transferred all of our crayons into one box before taping it up securely to make sure that they were safe. Then we were in line for a while before it was our turn. It is a good experience as the first-time post-office visit for some members.

Crayons are made of paraffin wax, a petroleum by-product, that is not biodegradable. Recycling used crayons not only helps send the crayons back to creative hands of children, but also help reduce thousands of landfill waste.


Karen Li (Event leader): 2 hours + 2 hours for flyer

Charlotte Chen: 2 hours

Ruishu Zhang: 2 hours

Daniel Wang: 2 hours

Kathleen Jiang: 2 hours

Li Wan (Supervising parents): 3 hours

Updated: July 22, 2024 — 4:55 am

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