AYLUS Oakland Gardens adds to Meditation Garden (07/14/2024)

This is the 87th event hosted by AYLUS Oakland Gardens on Sunday June 14 2024. This event took three hours during the dry and very warm (82° F) morning. During the event we added to the beautification of the Meditation Garden in Kissena Corridor Park. The last time we worked on the Meditation Garden we moved and spread mulch to the majority of the rear of the garden. Today we continued that task by spreading mulch and pulling weeds in the front of the garden. We started similarly to the last event held at the Meditation Garden by beginning with a demonstration and instructions on our task from Roxana. Like the previous event we had to spread mulch on the designated areas of the garden to a depth of four to six inches, but this time the task of pulling weeds was added on.

During the event our volunteers were split into five groups ranging in size from ten to twenty five people. Each group handled a different section of the garden. While the groups were being formed, several volunteers helped Roxana and her staff distribute tools to each pile. We split the tools according to the size of each mulch pile. For the largest pile there were two wheel barrows, five pitchforks, two shovels, and 4 rakes, while the smaller piles of mulch got one wheel barrow, two to three pitchforks, at least two shovels and rakes. For two of the groups they were tasked with just spreading mulch to their part of the garden. The largest group had two areas to manage and had to move part of their pile to the other area. Another group had to pull mugwort as well as other unwanted debris and weeds from one of the contaminated areas, then they had to spread mulch on top of that to stop weeds from regrowing in that area. When they were done with clearing the area they moved the debris to the front of the garden where a park service vehicle was parked to collect the debris for disposal. At the end of the event all members were asked to help collect the tools and to help Roxana place them onto the bed of a park service pickup truck.

Lastly I would like to thank Roxana and her park staff for helping us and providing us with another opportunity to work with them. Working together we managed to yet again improve the Meditation Garden. We hope to work with them again in the future. Thank you for helping us better the community.


Our volunteers:

Jia Qi Liu 3.5 hours

Hong Hao Liu 3.5 hours

Patrick Guan 3.5 hours

Lucas Lin 3.5 hours

Justin Cheong 3.5 hours

Stephanie ShiRan You 3.5 hours

Anthony Xu 3.5 hours

Sophia Xu 3.5 hours

Maggie Liu 3.5 hours

Ashley Liu 3.5 hours

Shi Zhen Li 3.5 hours

Shi Hao Li 3.5 hours

Yiming Chen 3.5 hours

Jerry Zhu 3.5 hours

Sophia ShiHan You 3.5 hours

Jerry Shan 3.5 hours

Brayden Lau 3.5 hours

Fiona Liu 3.5 hours

Michelle Song 3.5 hours

Shirley Chiu 3.5 hours

Ivey Lam 3.5 hours

Bowen Chen 3.5 hours

Ioklee Lin 3.5 hours

Hao Chen Liu 3.5 hours

Yichen Liu 3.5 hours

Ioknor Lin 3.5 hours

Iokseng Lin 3.5 hours

Iokting Lin 3.5 hours

Blake Han 3.5 hours

Jun Zhe Ling 3.5 hours

Yuxin Liu 3.5 hours

Tian Xiang Ding 3.5 hours

Aidan Zheng 3.5 hours

Matthew Lin 3.5 hours

Lucas Xu 3.5 hours

Patrick Yeung 3.5 hours

Benny Yeung 3.5 hours

Sophia Lin 3.5 hours

Zijia He 3.5 hours

Cassandra Lin 3.5 hours

Elyssa Lin 3.5 hours

Sophia Gao 3.5 hours

Aaron Shi 3.5 hours

Derrick Gao 3.5 hours

Sabrina Gao 3.5 hours

Erica Li 3.5 hours

Xilin Huang 3.5 hours

Nerissa Xu 3.5 hours

Paxton Xu 3.5 hours

Brandon Lin 3.5 hours

Joanna Qu 3.5 hours

Jasmine Qu 3.5 hours

Ryan Wu 3.5 hours

Darren Wu 3.5 hours

Albert Tang 3.5 hours

Darren Li 3.5 hours

Austin Li 3.5 hours

Ian Lee 3.5 hours

Elina Lee 3.5 hours

Tyler Siegel 3.5 hours

Cindy Siegel 3.5 hours

Shiqi Zheng 3.5 hours

Zhengyilan Fang 3.5 hours

Anthony Lin 3.5 hours

Liam Cheung 3.5 hours

Queena Li 3 hours


Parent Adviser Team:

Cui Fang Li (Fannie): 4.5 hours

Teng Fei Liu (Faye): 4.5 hours

Hsinhui Liao (Karen): 4.5 hours


Report written by: Matthew Lin

Reviewed by: Jia Qi (Angela) Liu

Updated: July 15, 2024 — 12:13 pm

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