AYLUS Roslyn Provides Food to Local Families Through NOSH Delivery! Food Pantry (8th) on July 11th, 2024

Recently, on July 11th, 2024, during the times from 9:00 A.M. to 1:00, the Branch of Aylus volunteered at NOSH deliveries.

First, the families delivered flyers to people’s homes. We had four people from Aylus at NOSH restocking the food and helping people. In the morning, it was not busy at all, and there were 20+ people there helping. When the food truck delivered the food, it became super busy, and we had to sort through the food and place it where it belongs. We helped the shoppers with the food and put things into their bags. When the food truck came in, there was a huge amount of food suddenly, and it made us all happy that there were more options for the people to pick from, as the previous time, the options were super limited.

During our volunteering hours, we helped achieve the goal of increasing food access to people in need by working with the NOSH deliveries organization. NOSH Deliveries is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping the community, not for gaining profit, but for donating and achieving their objectives and goals in helping those in need.

To help accomplish this aim, we participated in many activities, such as advertising, restocking, organizing, and assisting others with their necessities. For advertisement, members drove around different neighborhoods, posted up, and distributed flyers to get the word out about NOSH Deliveries and generate ideas for others on how to get through food struggles. Restocking was essential for this event. As more and more “customers” came in, many of the food supplies were provided to them, and our stock on shelves went lower and lower. To fix this difficulty, we replenished many of the food items, giving customers many choices and options to choose from without having to miss any of their favorites.

Stocking the shelves made us think about all the kind people out there that donated food to NOSH, allowing people to be fed. After restocking, organizing came to be the following step and was one of the most pleasing parts of the hours. After organizing our restocked shelves, many feelings hit us, including the feeling of satisfaction. Organization and grouping not only give us the best form of satisfaction, but they can also assure people of what they need, providing convenience and comfort to them too.

Being able to help people put food into the bags allowed us to become more social and meet new people. Helping them allowed us to become better versions of ourselves and think about how we have it better than a lot of people. Looking at all the families that came in, we thought about how we are lucky to have food on the table or have three meals a day, when some families are barely able to eat one or even afford meals. This experience allowed us to thank our parents for even the smallest things they do for us and be grateful that we have food on the table. It makes us think about how even though we don’t have everything, some people have nothing. Sometimes there’s nothing wrong with spending your time helping others, as it’s better than playing games on your laptop or watching TikTok.

This event turned out to be a great experience, one where one could gain many experiences. Not only do you get to contribute to others’ health and happiness, but can learn how to organize, carry on responsibilities, and communicate with others.

Members who participated include:

Anita Chen (4.5 hours), Katrina Chen (4.5 Hours), Natalie Tui (4 hours), Jolina Wu (4 hours)

Reporter: Jolina Wu & Anita Chen

Updated: July 15, 2024 — 2:07 am

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