AYLUS Syosset Takes an Active Step Towards Protecting Turtles at Lido Beach Passive Nature Area (7/11/24)

On 7/11/24, 8 volunteers from AYLUS Syosset traveled to the nature preserve at Lido Beach to actively learn about and receive training for observing female terrapins.  Only emerging from their habitats to lay their hatchlings, observations made upon the turtles during this critical time of their hatching season helps conservationists at the preserve gather the population number of the terrapins, while also to take note of any deformities/abnormalities on each turtle.  These actions are extremely crucial when understanding the overall status of the terrapins here by Lido Beach, whether they are well populated, populated, or considered endangered, and hence if and what further actions are needed to be performed.

Despite the occasional passing winds, it was a considerably hot morning from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM, but volunteers were still actively listening to Sharon as she explained what was required of the volunteers. They also received maps of the preserved area and were able to walk along the trails to familiarize themselves with the location.  Lots of information regarding female terrapins were obtained and unfortunately no turtles were spotted in the area during this 3 hour training.  However, as Sharon mentioned, this project is mainly hands on and an opportunity to come in contact with cute turtles, so volunteers look forward to working directly with these terrapins very soon.

All members who participated include: Amanda Weng (3h), Anson Ye (3h), Riley Lin (3h), Ryan Lin (3h), Darren Gao (3h), Brian Li (3h), Richard Li (3h), and Xuanyu Liu (3h)

Updated: July 11, 2024 — 11:51 pm

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