AYLUS Oyster Bay Participates in Shorebird Protection Program at Lido Beach on June 23, 2024

Written by Alex Lu

On June 23, 2024, members of AYLUS Oyster Bay volunteered at the “Be A Good Egg” program on Lido Beach to help protect the birds, marine organisms, and the ocean ecology. We started off by helping to prepare the tents and tables. We took out all the giveaway items and placed them on the table.
After we finished preparing, we went on the bird walk to help keep the group together. The tour guide teached us how to recognize different birds, where they nest, and rules to protect them. It was very interesting to learn about all those different birds.
Afterwards, we walked around the beach and asked people if they could sign a pledge to protect the birds. The pledge is to pick up your trash, don’t bring dogs to the beach, and do not go inside the area that has strings surrounding it. My group asked about 18 people. A lot of them were kind and willing to help.
From this event, we learned a lot about different endangered species of marine organisms and helping other people to learn about them as well. We informed them about how to preserve the ocean ecology and keep the environment clean. If everybody follows the rules, the beach will be a more cleaner and enjoyable place not just for marine organisms, but also for everyone.


Gratitude to the following 15 young volunteers, totaling 38 volunteer hours collectively.

Eric Wang 4 hrs, Bowen Chen 4.5 hrs, Alex Lu 5 hrs, Rex He 4.5 hrs, Gary Wang 2 hrs, Eric Matsuno 2 hrs, Zike Zhou 2 hrs, Benjamin Chen 2 hrs, Kevin Chen 2 hrs, Yuqi Wu 2 hrs, Winnie Lai 2 hrs, Lucas Ho 2 hrs, Marcus Ho 2 hrs, Kevin Zhao 2 hrs

Updated: June 25, 2024 — 8:04 pm

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