AYLUS Oyster Bay Collaborates with Sangha Education Center to Perform Music in Honor of the Kindness Garden on June 15, 2024

Written by Christina Mink

On June 15, 2024, AYLUS members played music to honor the loving memories of Antonet and Bernice in the opening of the Kindness Garden. Antonet and Bernice have been former members of Sangha Education and contributed much to the development of the Sangha Center up until their deaths. The event on this day was to commemorate the opening of the Kindness Garden to honor the lives of Antonet and Bernice. The garden symbolizes compassion, acceptance, friendship, and gratitude, values that Antonet and Bernice stood for throughout their lives. The Kindness Garden was built by the efforts of Sangha Education Center, AYLUS Oyster Bay and many other volunteers.


First, volunteers came from Sangha’s main building and walked on a path for 5 minutes to the Kindness garden. At the garden, the family members of Antonet and Bernice spoke in honor of their lives and the impacts they have made on the community around them through Sangha. After visiting the garden, everyone headed back to the main building for refreshments. AYLUS members in attendance each brought one dish as everyone enjoyed sandwiches, sushi, dumplings, chips, popcorn and cakes. During eating time, AYLUS members played music on the piano, violin, flute and saxophone. The performance lasted for about an hour.


In addition to playing music, AYLUS held a fundraiser for Sangha Education Center by selling eco-friendly products at the event and asking AYLUS members for donations. AYLUS was able to raise some funds, and all proceeds went to Sangha Education Center.


We thank all AYLUS members who attended the event for their contributions to the building of the Kindness Garden and the commemoration of Antonet and Bernice. We also thank Christine Keller, the director of Sangha Education Center, the families and friends of Antonet and Bernice, and all volunteers for making this wonderful event possible!



Gratitude to the following 12 young volunteers, totaling 36.5 volunteer hours collectively.

Christina Mink 3.5hrs, Eric Wang 3hrs, Eric Matsuno 3hrs, Katherine Yao 3hrs, Benjamin Chen 3hrs, Queena Su 3hrs, Milo Gu 3hrs, Matthew Gu 3hrs, Amanda Li 3hrs, Zike Zhou 3hrs, Yarabella Yang 3hrs, Jessica Zhao 3hrs


Updated: June 25, 2024 — 9:32 pm

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