Chapel Hill Branch Volunteers Bake Cookies for Seniors on Jun 23, 2024

During the weekend, the AYLUS Chapel Hill volunteers baked and whipped up around two hundred homemade cookies for Meals on Wheels, a nonprofit that spreads love through tasty meals for seniors. Each of us pitched in a few dozen cookies, and made sure to single-wrap and deliver them to seniors with care. It felt awesome to turn our regular donation into something so deliciously productive. We’re thrilled to keep the cookie train rolling next month!


Volunteers who participated in this event are Vanessa Lin (3 hrs), Jack (Zhiyuan) Xu (3 hrs), Ethan li_ECHHS (3 hrs), Yichen Zhao (4 hrs), Joann Wang (4 hrs), Andrew Zhao (6 hrs), and Luna Chen (1.5 hours for wrapping and delivery).


Reported by Luna Chen

Updated: June 25, 2024 — 5:52 pm

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