AYLUS Oyster Bay Builds a Kindness Garden @ Meadow Farm on June 13, 2024

Written by Christina Mink

On June 13, 2024, AYLUS Oyster Bay members visited Sangha Education Center to meet Director Christine Keller and her team at the main house area. We carried shovels, hoes, rakes, and a wagon, walking through the woods to reach Meadow Farm. After building the Teepee Garden, we started to build a Kindness Garden opposite the Teepee Garden. We took out two large wooden garden signs from storage, carried the metal benches, and loaded vinyl panels, signs, and tools into the car. We then transported everything to Meadow Farm, where we unloaded it all. We placed the vinyl panels and rocks at designated locations, secured protective wire netting on the ground, positioned the wooden signs at the back of the garden, dug the holes, and planted various kinds of plants, covering them with black soil and then watering. Lastly, we decorated the garden with a few beautiful elements. Although everyone was sweaty, we were very happy to see a beautiful garden created by our efforts. Get ready for the Kindness Garden dedication on June 15.
We will continue to collaborate with Sangha Education Center to transform Meadow Farm into a beautiful and educational home adorned with a variety of plants and blooming flowers.

Thomas Mink 3 hrs, Shirley Yu 3 hrs, Christina Mink 3.5 hrs,

Updated: June 25, 2024 — 6:56 pm

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