AYLUS Great Neck Branch volunteers at Steppingstone Park (8th) 6/23/24

Volunteers at AYLUS visited Steppingstone Park on June 23, 2024 to clear the weeds in their neighborhood park for the planted flowers and trees. Steppingstone is a local park in Great Neck that overlooks the Long Island Sound. People gather, and children play freely in the park.

The members of AYLUS first started cleaning up garbage that were left in the park.Then the volunteers work together to clean up the weeds and some vine-like plants that hinder the growth of flowers and plants in the scenic paths of the park, such as dandelions and creepers.If you were in the park at that time, you would have noticed volunteers wearing gloves and holding small shovels, squatting on the edge of the garden and carefully clearing out theweeds.After two and a half hours of work, the members of AYLUS concluded the parks beautification session by taking their weekly photos.

Cleaning up weeds in the flower beds makes the colorful flowers appear more obvious and gives more living space and nutrients to the plants that people enjoy and wanted to see.AYLUS volunteers hoped to do as much as they can in weekends to improve the quality of life at Steppingstone Park in Great Neck.

Reported by: Yingxiang Liu

The AYLUS members who participated in this week’s task are: Xingchen Jin, guangqi Lu, Ian Tong,  Grace Zhang, Cal Baluyut,Brandon li,  Elaine Xing, Ankie Huang, Haoyang Sun, Yingxiang Liu, Felicia Liu, Yuya Liu, Jerry Li, Kevin Li, Henry Li, Austin Yang and Sabrina Yang.(2.5 hrs)

Jinkuan Chen(1 hr)

Updated: July 2, 2024 — 6:46 pm

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