AYLUS Great Neck Branch Volunteered at Firefighter Park on 6. 7. 2024 (21st)

On June 7, 2024, the Aylus Great Neck branch hosted its weekly Friday Inclusive Sports Day activity at the Firefighter Park to encourage interpersonal and outdoor activities for the community kids, especially for those kids with special needs. Our volunteers, including Zoe Xia, Raymind Li, Yingxiang Liu, Yuya Liu, Felicia Liu, Austin Wang, Melody Fan, Shaoyu Guo and Yucheng Fu arrived at the Firefighter Park at 5:30 pm. We took part in several healthy and interesting activities such as table tennis, football, water playing and tag.We spent a great time in the park, having a lot of fun.Through this activity, we not only helped these children who need special help, but also did exercises that were really good for both our physical and mental health. After the event, we hope that these kids with special needs will feel more comfortable interacting with others little by little every time, with visible improvements.

Report by: Yingxiang Liu

Hours (5:30PM-7PM): Andrew  Qian, Zoe Xia, Raymond Li, Yingxiang Liu, Yuya Liu, Felicia Liu, Austin Wang, Melody Fan, Shaoyu Guo and Yucheng Fu (1.5 hours)

Updated: July 2, 2024 — 7:08 pm

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