AYLUS Oyster Bay Builds a Teepee Garden at Meadow Farm on May 19, 2024

Written By Christina Mink

On May 19, 2024, AYLUS Oyster Bay members visited Sangha Education Center to meet Director Christine Keller and her team at the main house area. We carried shovels, hoes, rakes, and a wagon, walking through the woods to reach Meadow Farm. At the Teepee Garden, we weeded, loosened the soil, dug holes, watered, and planted lavender and rosemary around the teepee. Some members shuttled between the main house and the farm, transporting wood chips by wagon to cover the top of the garden. Although everyone was sweating from the work, we all felt that our efforts were very meaningful. We will continue to collaborate with Sangha Education Center to transform Meadow Farm into a beautiful and educational home adorned with a variety of plants and blooming flowers.

Hoilee Dai 2hrs, Eric Matsuno 2 hrs, Wanying Yu 2 hrs, Li Mink 2 hrs, Lu Ha 2 hrs, Leah Lee 2 hrs, Clare Yu 2 hrs,

Updated: May 28, 2024 — 11:33 pm

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